We acknowledge that we are all children of God and members of God’s human family. In our own unique ways, we all pass through the same developmental stages of life, experience similar spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical challenges, and need guidance and support during the predictable stages of life and the unpredictable crises that often occur.

It is with this perspective that Family Life Ministry provides spiritual and pastoral support, practical programs, resources, and classes to enrich the lives and well-being of all the parishioners and families of St. Paul Catholic Newman Center throughout all phases of life.


Caring for the Whole Person

Caring for the Whole Person is a collaborative initiative for parishioners and patients designed to acknowledge they are loved and supported throughout a serious diagnosis, illness and end-of-life journey.

Contact Information

Alberto Navarro: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 107 | [email protected]


Claretian Youth Group

The Claretian Youth Group is for anyone from 9th to 12th grade and offers experiences and spaces of communion in the universal mission of the Church under the Claretian charism in following the lifestyle of Jesus. 

Contact Information

Fr. Rubi: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 105 | [email protected]


Every Tuesday at 5PM in CNH


Community Garden

The Community Garden continues our parish's commitment to addressing social justice and poverty issues in our community. The goal is to outreach to those less fortunate by supplementing their meals with fruits and vegetables grown by volunteers in the garden and enriching their lives and the lives of our parishioners who interact with them.

Contact Information

Katie Fleener: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 106 | [email protected]


Eucharistic Revival

This ministry promotes devotion to the Holy Eucharist.

Contact Information

Alberto Navarro: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 107 | [email protected]


Faith, Family and Friends

Faith Family & Friends (FFF) is St. Paul Catholic Newman Center’s Religious Education and Faith Formation program for the entire parish – EVERYONE!

FF&F is not just for families with children but provides an opportunity for everyone to become life-long learners of their faith. It provides the parish with the opportunity to build community as a family of faith, form friendship bonds, and offers a place where we can question and discuss important elements of our Catholic Christian faith together.

 Adults have their choice of educational offerings in the topic areas of Scripture, Catholic Faith, Prayer, and Family Life (Relationships/Parenting).

Contact Information

Alberto Navarro: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 107 | [email protected]


Every Tuesday at 6PM but please view their page for more details.



Is your family looking for community? Do you want to be a part of a place that welcomes families and empowers them to open their hearts to each other? Do you want to support families in fulfilling their duty as primary educators of the unique children entrusted to them? Familiastery is a space that supports all families as the primary educators of the unique children entrusted to them. We share the space with other family and religious education ministries of the parish in a collaborative and unified way. We provide community gatherings and weekly enrichment days that balance prayer, study, play, hospitality, and work.

Contact Information

Alberto Navarro: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 107 | [email protected]


Every Tuesday at 3PM and Friday at 8:30AM


Food Recovery

Food Recovery was made to respond to the teachings of Christ and take his transformative words and put them into action by providing fellowship and nutritionary benefits on an ongoing basis to the needy residents of our community.  Every week volunteers make meals on Thursdays that they take out into the community  and provide a dinner on Fridays at the Newman Center.

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me" Matthew 25: 35-36

Contact Information

Katie Fleener: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 106 | [email protected]


Every Thursday at 10AM and Every Friday at 5:30PM in the Cafeteria


Joy of Love Mom's Group

The Joy of Love Moms Group is a family ministry led by moms! The group’s mission is to empower parish moms to bring their families together to play, pray, serve, and grow in our Catholic faith together.

View their page for more information.

Contact Information

Alberto Navarro: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 107 | [email protected]


Monthly on the 3rd Sunday


Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle

The Marian Movement meets weekly to pray for vocations, seminarians, world peace, and our own intentions.

Contact Information

Alberto Navarro: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 107 | [email protected]


Every Wednesday at 10AM in Community Room and 6PM in the Chapel


Men's Spirituality Group

The Men’s (NewMAN) Spirituality Ministries provide men an opportunity to discuss important spiritual issues in a supportive group setting and to share their collective spiritual wisdom to help deal with life’s challenges. Meetings include facilitated discussions on various Catholic faith and scripture topics, and incorporating current events important to our faith journeys. The Men’s Scripture Reflection and Discussion Group meets weekly on Monday mornings after the 8:00 am morning Mass in the Library to read, reflect upon, and discuss the scripture readings for the upcoming Weekend Masses. 

Contact Information

Alberto Navarro: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 107 | [email protected]


Every Monday at 8:45AM in the Library


Vacation Bible School

A week full of activities for children to come together to have fun while learning about Scripture.

Contact Information

Alberto Navarro: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 107 | [email protected]


Yearly for 1 week during the summer

June 16-20, 2025


Vocations Committee

The Vocations Committee aims to help young Catholics to find their vocation whether it is single, married, deacon, nun or priest.

Contact Information

Father Rubi: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 105 | [email protected]


Women's Book Study

Contact Information

Sister Kathleen: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 104 | [email protected]


Every Thursday at 6PM in the Community Room


Women's Guild

Provide spiritual opportunities for growth. Promote fellowship and Christian service through projects that benefit our Church, its members and the surrounding community. Build bonds of friendship through social activities.

View thier page for more information.

Contact Information

Alberto Navarro: (559) 436-3434 Ext. 107 | [email protected]


Once every month

See their page for more details


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