Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
St. Paul Catholic Newman Center’s OCIA program is focused on adults who have not been baptized or who have been baptized in another Christian church and wish to explore Catholicism. In some cases, baptized Catholics with little or no religious education may participate in the OCIA program.
The Newman Center OCIA program is available to inquirers year-round—there are no specific start and stop dates—just as there is no set schedule by which God calls us to a new beginning. So if you are interested in finding answers to your questions about the Catholic faith, call us any time. You will be treated as an individual, and will be given time to become acquainted with the Catholic community and the gospel values we attempt to live.
The time you spend in Inquiry gives you the opportunity to determine whether you are seriously interested and called to become incorporated into the Catholic community. It’s a time to develop your relationship with God and resolve any questions you might have.
We welcome you to this very special journey of faith and hope that you will see us not as “teachers” but rather as friends who wish to be companions on your journey. In OCIA, we incorporate celebrations, reflection and retreat, prayer experiences and social occasions to build community.
As you move beyond Inquiry into the Catechumenate, which is a more focused stage of formation, you will be accompanied by a sponsor and will expand your formation on key tenets of the Catholic Church.
Active Catholics interested in becoming OCIA sponsors should contact Charles Arokiasamy at [email protected] for more information.