"For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."
- James 2:26
There are many different opportunities within the Newman Center where you can get involved. Check out a few of the opportunities below... Any questions? Please don't hesitate to ask the contact provided.
RCIA Sponsors
Our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults program (RCIA) is growing in numbers and we need more and more sponsors.
Pope Francis said that all Christians are called to share their faith with others – Evangelization. Here is a wonderful opportunity to share your faith.
All you need is to be an active Catholic interested in sharing your faith with others. If you are interested please contact our Director of RCIA, Charles Arokiasamy at [email protected].
College Dinners
We serve a meal to hungry college students every Wednesday night during the fall and spring semesters. Would you be willing to provide a main dish (serves 10-12), salad, dessert, OR sodas once a month? We are also in need of several volunteers to take turns helping with set up, serving the meal, and clean up afterward. If you are interested in helping with this ministry contact us at [email protected].
Community Dinners
Year-round, we serve a homemade community meal on Friday nights. Food is generously provided to us by local farmers, Food to Share Fresno, Fresno State University Dining, and other organizations where it is lovingly prepared here at the St. Paul Catholic Newman Center. Volunteers are asked to assist with preparation and cleanup of meals or to simply dine with us and build community. Contact Jim Grant at [email protected] for more information.
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration allows parishoners the opportunity to be physically present with Jesus Christ through the exposition of the Eucharist. Following mass, the priest will expose the Blessed Sacrament in the Newman Chapel so parishoners can have time for private devotion and time with Jesus Christ. Volunteers are needed to safeguard our Lord and grow in faithfulness to Him.
Commitment: At least one, 30-minute time slot between 8:30am - 12:00pm every first Friday of the month. More availabilty for Adoration may become available as interest grows.
Interested volunteers should contact the office at 436-3434
Communion to the Homebound
Pastoral Care Ministry is a ministry for those wishing to bring communion to the homebound and hospitalized members of the parish. If you are interested in this ministry please contact Deacon Bill Lucido at 436-3434 or [email protected].
Liturgical Ministries
If you are interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister, lector, altar server, greeter or usher, please contact the office at 436-3434 or Alberto Navarro at [email protected].
Altar Linen Care
We are in need of a few individuals to help with altar linens. Duties include picking up the linens from the Newman Center, washing, drying, and ironing the linens, and returning them to the sacristy. Contact Karl at [email protected] or call 436-3434 if you are interested in helping.
Catholic Charities Truck
On the third weekend of the month, we have the Catholic Charities Truck in our East Parking Lot to collect donations for the Catholic Charities thrift store. Volunteers are needed before and after all Masses. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the office at 436-3434 or [email protected].